
Circus of Hope

As part of our expansion strategy, we recently started Social Circus activities in the world’s biggest refugee camp in Bangladesh. In a two weeks visit, we introduced MMCC’s activities and trained a team of 12 young trainers, including 3 youth from the hosting community. The youth, with our local partner, are now in the process of forming 3 children circus teams in different parts of the huge Kutapalong camp, which houses almost one million Rohingya refugees from Myanmar. 55% of these refugees are children, who all need hope, fun, laughter and educational shows. The current short pilot project is financed by CISU (Civil Society in Development from Denmark) and implemented in partnership with a local NGO, KOINONIA. The aim is to build a base with the short project while looking for additional longer term supports to keep, sustain and expand the new activities in Bangladesh. We are currently looking for donations to support continuation of the activities in an expected funding gap when the short term pilot project ends. To contribute to “Circus of Hope Bangladesh” please click here:

 To see new updates from the activities in Rohingya camps please visit this FB group: